water walker

Time for a Knowledge check-up!

Surely we want God’s best to come to pass in our lives! However, many Christians, and certainly the lost, don’t know that the “Will of God” is for our good and not for our evil.  We seem to be unsure that He is a good God, who only wants good for us, otherwise, we would not embrace comments that are contrary to His loving Nature. The truth is…Jn 3:10 tells us that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believed on Him should not perish, but have eternal life.  Jn 17:3 Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth.  Rom 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Gal 1:4 tells us Jesus gave himself for our sins……….. How can we entertain any other thoughts than the truth, God is love!

There is no doubt that trials, tribulations and all sorts of problems come against us as believers, but God’s will is for us to fight them, to face them head on with the word of God. It IS His will that believers walk in faith and resist all calamities by the power that is in His Word. Rev.12:11  And they triumphed (overcame) him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony…When trouble comes, we must agree with the provision God has made for us, resist the devil and speak only Gods truths. His word is Holy Spirit inspired and written down for our use. The Word is spirit and it is life. It is incorruptible, it brings us deliverance from evil, heals us when sickness is knocking at our doors and delivers us from this present evil world. The key to victory for the early saints, was they used the word of God as weapons for their warfare and we must also use the Word for our warfare.

In the Book of Job we see where Job made many false accusations against God, believing and accusing God for all the bad he endured….. If we look with understanding, we see it was the devil that stole from Job, not God. It’s important to know, that in the Old Testament, man could not resist the devil nor did he have authority to resist him. Satan was operating with the dominion and authority of Adam and Eve (mankind), who were created in the image of God Gen 1:26-28.   Lk 4:1-6 shows us Satan tempting Jesus as well as reminding Jesus of the power and authority that had been handed over to him. However, this power and authority he was using would soon be stripped away. Jesus would bring defeat to the devil through His death,burial, resurrection and enthronement!.

The bible says in 1Jn 1:5, that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. When we believe (think) wrong, whether it is by hear-say or wrong doctrine, we are unable to experience the benefits of our salvation…..  Ps .103:3 He forgives all our sins and heals all of our diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tenderness. We actually have our “spoil” or (benefits) stolen from us and perish for lack knowledge Hos.4:6.  Bad does not come from God, nor does He use evil to teach us things. James 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil nor does He tempt anyone. Instead, He has made us a sweet smelling savor of Christ, as we have been created us in the image of His dear son and called the righteousness of God in Christ. 2 Cor 2:15.

In this busy world, it is easy to forget who you are in Christ. But according to the bible, mankind was made in the image of God and was given a Godly purpose for this earth. We must remind ourselves of our purpose and not forget our inheritance comes right now from being “in” Christ as sons of God. Rom 8:4  Christians or Saints are not merely titles, but instead a “position” of being.  We must think like, speak like and operate like new creations 2 Cor 5:17….. We are instructed by the Word to lay aside the things that beset us and keep pressing toward the prize of the high calling, all the while exercising our authority over the devil Lk 10:19.  We can be water walkers by putting on this mind of Christ and walking after it. As a matter of fact, the Word of God cautions Christians not be double minded…….  Ja 1:8 thus tossed about by the waves of the wind, but to let this mind of Christ in our spirits lead us ….If the Word gives us a promise, we should not doubt it, but remember we are spiritual beings looking into the spiritual realm, receiving by the spirit, spiritual realities. This reminds us that Christians are called to walk by faith!

Don’t fall for bad doctrine and invite tragedy into your life by agreeing and speaking death. Resist satan and refuse to take his junky thoughts!  Know who you are, and that you belong to God! You are blessed and clothed in His righteousness.  2 Pet 1:3 God has already given us everything that pertains to life and Godliness, but it comes through knowing Jesus and what He has done for us. We now have victory and authority in Christ but our mind still battles with the devils deception. He gets to us through our thoughts!  Take them all and check them one by one, the thoughts that are not of God….hold them captive as prisoners and be ready to punish them for exalting themselves above the word of God!