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Do you ever find yourself asking any of these questions?

•    If God never leaves me or forsakes me, why do I feel all-alone?
•    If God’s answers are yes and amen, why are my prayers not answered?
•    If God is loving, why do bad things happen?
•    If I sin then how can I expect to receive anything good from God?
•    If God is love, why do I feel unworthy to receive from Him?
•    Why do people get sick?

For most people, these questions often go unanswered, and the circumstances they are walking through seem to get worse without a glimpse of hope. Their first instinct might be to talk with their pastor, seek counseling, or talk to other people who have had the same experiences.

We sometimes pray to God, pleading with Him to step in and do something but then if nothing happens we say, “Oh well, it must have been God’s will.” We feel as if our relationship with God is somewhere in the distance. At times it seems as if it isn’t even really a relationship at all, but more of a feeling of never measuring up, and fearing condemnation as opposed to the promised blessing.

Often we think God is mad at us and not hearing us. We feel powerless, overwhelmed and worn out trying to earn the favor and blessings of God. If that sounds like you, I have really good news.

The true nature of God is so much better than you could hope or imagine. I want to help you see the goodness of God clearly by sharing my story and experiences of God. I will expose powerful truths and realities that can set you free from bad doctrine, religious traditions, powerless teaching, guilt and condemnation.

We can have the abundant life that God promised. By exploring the truth of what happened to us at salvation, we can operate in power and authority, exactly like Jesus Christ.

Does this sound too good to be true?