Fixing Your Faith

Fixing Your Faith

The Faith of God! Did you know that when you received salvation, you received the “faith” of the Son of God. It wasn’t a part, or a little bit, but you received “the measure” of God’s faith. Gal 2:20 tells us “I am crucified...
Faith is Real

Faith is Real

Consider the truth of God’s Word. All of us were given the faith of God (God’s kind of faith) in our born-again spirits at the moment of salvation. As we renew our minds to the scriptures regarding faith, we see the truth of our ability to act as Jesus did, and call...
Never Ending Love

Never Ending Love

God is love and His love for you is never ending. In fact, he had such a passion to restore you to your rightful position that He sent Jesus to redeem you. Now the relationship God originally had with Adam and Eve has been reestablished and you can walk in perfect...
Identity Crisis? Not you!

Identity Crisis? Not you!

Do you know who you are in Christ? Many born-again believers are unnecessarily suffering from an identity crisis. The truth is, you are an ambassador of the Kingdom of God and your righteousness is of Him. He has given you His righteousness. Sin is no longer a part of...
Finding Peace

Finding Peace

Jesus has justified you. Did you know that assuming you can be good enough to earn or pay for what Jesus freely offers leaves an open door for condemnation to enter into your heart? The feeling of not being good enough or not doing enough good destroys peace. However,...