Be Ye Transformed

Be Ye Transformed

What is a Renewed Mind? 

Having the perspective of God operating in us is vital to our success in this physical life that we live in.  If we want to soar like eagles and rise above our circumstances, trials and tribulations we must learn to use our natural minds to think like God.

Romans 12:2 tells us that we are “transformed” by the renewing of our natural mind to the word of God. When our minds are meditating on this supernatural word, it causes us to believe in the things that we cannot see, taste, hear, smell or feel.  As we are transforming, we begin to see His good, perfect and pleasing will manifest to our natural senses. We must reprogram our minds to think like the word of God and break free from deception.  .

The Great Exchange

We have made a change. We changed from the position of a sinner, separated from the life of God, to a New Creation Saint made in the image of God. 2 Cor 5:17-21. Christians must put off the old negative images and  thoughts  and put on the new man (spirit) who has the mind of Christ and was created in His image of righteousness and true holiness. Eph 4:22-24. We must learn of our identity in Him and be transformed by the truth. 1 Jn 4:17 tells us that as He is so are we in this world.  Indeed we are ambassadors for the Kingdom of God and we have the power of God committed unto us to share this Gospel and set the captive free. Continued deception of our exchange will keep us powerless and walking in vain imaginations. It’s the truth that we know that sets the captive free.

Knowledge Must Increase

Jesus said in Hosea 4:6 that His people would perish for a lack of knowledge. This is exactly what is happening to His people! Without knowledge of this new life in Him, we are perishing left and right. We do not know who we are, nor the greatness restored to us through salvation.   We must exchange our old way of thinking for new Kingdom thoughts that align with our new identity. Without casting down vain imaginations that rise up against the word, Our spirit mind, with its supernatural abilities,  will not be able to lead us. God wants us to triumph… good over evil.  His will is for us to walk in our identity and authority. ….According to His divine power, Jesus gave us everything that pertains to life and Godliness and it comes through knowledge of Him. 2 Pet 1:3

Ambassadors have the mind of Christ and the ability to display the Kingdom…..Go ye therefore!
